Overall if my DDS and PhD theses have embraced various fields of research, they have always led to applications close to the CadCam or materials.
For the books, I wrote 9 books and chapter of Encyclopedia in collaboration and contributed to more than 30 books by correcting the proofs, transmitting photos and enriching the texts submitted to me. I only selected those who thanked me by asking me to write either a chapter or a preface (which is very honourable and to thank him for it).
Finally I would specify that a book will be published in 2022 with my friends of the Scientific Gendarmerie (IRGN) who have always trusted me: Charly Georget and Aimé Conigliaro and that I am finishing one on the CFAO (planned year 2023)
Important Note:
1.In these classifications, the references in blue correspond to texts accessible in PDF form. Just click to see it appear. If it is not complete or if you want more information, contact me.
You have 3 references for theses and 15 for books
1 – Duret, F., (1) Empreinte Optique (Optical Impression), in Faculty of Odontology. University Claude Bernard. Lyon (France) theses 2e cycle/DDS n° 231, pp 288 pages 76 figures 308 bibliography.ref.
Fondamental – fundamental (with English translation) – version française – version anglaise/english version
16 – Duret, F., Etude de l’activité adenylate cyclasique des cellules épithéliales en culture (Study of adenylate cyclasic activity of epithelial cells in culture), Docteur de 3e Cycle, PhD in Odontology, UER Faculté d’Odontologie. Université Claude Bernard,: Lyon. 1980, p. 145 pages, 338 ref. Biblio.
1e prix de recherche 3e cycle Français – first French Research PhD Award (Paris)
40 – Duret, F., et al., (10) L’empreinte optique (et RVG), système de traitement d’image en dentisterie. (optical impression(and X-RVG): Imaging treatment system in dentistry), in L’analyse et le traitement des images biomédicales, R.-., Editor. Ass. Information Rech. Informatique Electronique et Statistique IRIES, Beynes (France).1982. p. 285-295. version française
43 – Duret, F., Etude des anomalies dans les composants salivaires chez les malades porteurs de la maladie de Crohn ou de Rectocolite (study of anomalies in saliva componnets of patients with Crohn syndromeor and Rectocolite), in Faculté de Medecine-Biologie Humaine. 1983, Universitée François Rabelais: Tours. Doctorat d’Etat (PhD) p. 275 pages, 75 ill, 63 graph et 11 tableaux.
Prix spécial du Jury – special theses Award
114 – Duret, F., Les LASER et leurs applications médicales (Lasers and their medical applications), Ed. Med. Internationales, Masson éditeur: Paris. 1988, ISBM 2-85206-371-9, pp. 486-491. version française
134 – Genty B, et Duret, F : écriture de la préface du livre “Anatomie Dentaire” (wrinting book preface “dental anatomy”), ed.Ifosupd-editions. 1989, Paris-Lyon-Aix: CITA. pp 101 version française
150 – Duret, F. The Sopha Dental CadCam : 2 years of research in USC school of dentsitry (Système Sopha, 2 ans de recherche à USC) in Computers in Clinical Dentistry first international Conference, Houston, Texas Quintessence book ISBM 0-86715-229-X , 1991 pp 179-185 version anglaise/english version
151 – Duret, F. et Hirata Tatsuya , the Access Articulator and the Cad Cam (L’Access Articulator et la CFAO) in Computers in Clinical Dentistry first international Conference, Houston, Texas Quintessence book ISBM 0-86715-229-X , 1991 pp 100-104 version anglaise/english version
162 – Duret, F., Dental Robotics: State-of-the-Science Dental CAD/CAM, in Clark’s Clinical Dentistry, J.F. Hardin, Editor. Lippincott Company: Philadelphia. 1993, pp. 1-24. version anglaise/english version
177 – Chi-Keung, T., G. Medioni, and F. Duret, Automatic, accurate Surface Model Inference for Dental CAD CAM, in Medical Imaging Computing and Computer Assited intervention – MICCAI’98, A.C. WH Wells, S Delp, Editor., Springer-Verlag Heidelberg: Cambridge, USA. 1998. pp. 732-38. version anglaise/english version
236 – Pellissier, B., et Duret F, Lampes à photopolymériser (photopolymerisation lamps). Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale (EMC), 2003. 22-020-A-05: p. 1-11. (58 pages) version française
265 – Pelissier, B. and F. Duret, Embouts des lampes à Photopolymériser (photopolymerisation lamps’s tips). Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale (EMC), 2007. 22-020-A-06 (Stomatologie): p. 1-13.. version française
268 – Duret, F., Pelissier B., Polymérization y lamparas de LED, (Polymerisation of LED Light) Book 450 pages (pp 177-195), Alfaomega Grupo Editor, Atlas de Operatoria Dental, Lanata J. Chef Redactor, ISBN 978-987-23113-6-0 (Argentina) version portugaise/portuguese version
270 – Duret, F., Conception et fabrication des céramiques assistées par ordinateur (Design and manufacture of computer-aided ceramics).in book « La prothèse céramo-céramique par CFAO – (The CAD / CAM all-ceramic prosthesis), book 123 pages (pp 43-63) Quintessence International,.collection Réussir ISBN 978-2-912550-70-5. (France) 2009
(in English and French) version française and english version
271 – Pelissier, B., Duret F. et Coll., Evolution des lampes à polymériser : troisième génération des lampes LED et applications cliniques. Evolution of curing lamps: third generation of LED lamps and clinical applications) encyclopédies Médicaux Chirurgicales, E.M.C., 2009. stomatologie/odontologie(22-020-A-09): p. 1-17.
(in English and French) version française and english version
283 – Duret F, Pélissier B. Différentes méthodes d’empreinte en CFAO dentaire (Different methods of dental CadCam Optical Impression) . Encyclopédies Médicaux Chirurgicales, EMC médecine buccale 28-740-R-10 2010; pp 1-16 and 17-33
(in French and English ) version française and english version
318 – Bartala, M., and Duret, F. (2014 ). La CFAO appliquée Coordination Scientifique – (Applied CAD/CAM – Scientific Coordination), Book. Edition Espace ID, Edition Multimédia ISBN 978-2-36134-021-6, pp 144 pages
Table des matières / table of contents in french and english version française and english version
334 – Descamp, F., Fages, M., préface Duret, F. la CFAO en Odontologie, Les bases, les principes et les systèmes. (CFAO in Odontology, The bases, principles and systems). Book. Edition CdP, Guide Clinique ISBN. 978-2-84361-309-8, 2016. pp 101 pages
Preface in French pp 14 version française